Single-Pass HE-VA Disc Roller and Variocast
A new combination of the HE-VA Disc Roller and Variocast 16 will be launched at LAMMA 2016, providing a versatile solution to help growers maximise the benefits of cover crops.
The Disc Roller's two rows of discs and V profile press are designed to shallow cultivate and consolidate at speed providing the perfect shallow stale seedbed for blackgrass control. The market leading Variocast 16 small seed broadcaster has now been integrated into the design allowing farmers to optimise the timing of cover crop establishment.
This HE-VA combination can be used behind the combine to create a fine tilth for good seed-to-soil contact which, whilst consolidating to lock in moisture, encourages weed and cover crop germination. At the same time this versatile machine chops, incorporates and spreads crop residues to speed up breakdown and increase valuable organic matter levels in the soil.
3m to 8m working widths are available in trailed and mounted formats with various specifications of Variocast for seed sizes ranging from mustard to peas.
A 6.3m HE-VA Disc Roller equipped with the Variocast 16 will be on display at LAMMA. It has two rows of discs, a soil mat and a 600mm V-profile press roller. The mat is positioned behind the discs but in front of the seed outlets and roller which ensures the soil from the discs doesn't disrupt the seed's passage to the soil surface. This has a big impact in generating uniform seedling emergence.
The two rows of opposing discs are hydraulically adjustable from the tractor seat and incorporate HE-VA's unique Depth-Synchronised-Disc system which automatically alters their vertical angle as their depth is changed. This effectively pulls them deeper into the soil and increases their aggressiveness.
The V-profile roller's rings are spaced at 125mm, closer than many competitors, assuring level surface consolidation and a weatherproof finish.
With a 400-litre hopper, the Variocast 16 small-seed metering unit is ground-speed radar-controlled. It has electronic seed rate adjustment and is GPS compatible to provide variable rate sowing as required. It is fitted with a hydraulic fan which can be adjusted to work at widths of up to 12.5m with a strong airflow for heavy seeds making for an unequalled evenness of spread.
Sixteen metering rollers feed the same number of outlets resulting in accurate seed distribution across the machine width. These seed rollers are interchangeable depending on the rate required - running from 0.5kg/ha and up to 80kg/ha with an accuracy of +/- 0.1kg/ha.
The HE-VA 6.3m Disc Roller with the Variocast 16 will be on display on the OPICO HE-VA stand [B10a] at LAMMA. It retails at £47,401 +VAT.
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